Monday, August 9, 2010

Night Nineteen: In Which I Dream About Lucid Dreaming

1) I am at work. It is probably about one in the morning. It is pitch black outside and all the lights inside the restaurant are off as well. A customer comes in and orders a bagel. I put peanut butter on it instead of cream cheese, and he is upset enough by this to kidnap me. I am riding in the passenger seat of his car while he navigates unfamiliar dark roads and makes overly personal small talk. He finally drops me off in a secluded neighborhood. I get out of the car and he drives off. I am next to a house that seems to be hosting a party, as I hear loud voices and music coming from inside. I venture inside and find that all the lights are off in the foyer. I move on to the next room and it is dark as well. The house is like a maze and I can only navigate one room at a time. There are no connecting halls. Finally, the last room I encounter is a sun porch. As I approach I can see that there are lights on and I enter, hoping to find help or at least some idea of where I am. However, despite the lights and noise the room is completely empty. I exit and run down the green, grassy front yard of the house. Fearing that someone might have seen me, I quickly run across the street.

I find myself at the bottom of my boyfriend's driveway. I am getting anxious, having just remembered that I am meant to be at work. It is probably about two in the morning at this point. I climb the driveway and enter the house. I find that the entire family is awake and seem to be having a serious discussion of some sort. I explain that I need to get to work but have no car, and ask if anyone could give me a ride. When they all seem rather apprehensive and act as though I interrupted something important, I mention that I am in fact having a dream; so for all I know my car has appeared at the bottom of the driveway since I last checked.

I head back down the long driveway, focusing on the fact that I'm dreaming. I strongly believe that if I will my car to be parked at the house, it will be. However, it is not. I head back to the house and explain this. My boyfriend's father, who is rather irked at this point, asks me why, if I'm having a dream and all, I don't just wake up. After a bit of effort I do, and

2) It is late morning and I am late for work. I finally arrive and everyone is annoyed at me. Breaks are hours off schedule and they have been incredibly busy all day. A female co-worker makes a racist comment directed at two men and they glare at me, mistakenly believing I said it. I head into the back room and begin testing a carton of eggs for damage by gently twisting each egg in its cup. As I perform this task, seeing only the white-on-white of the eggs in the cardboard carton, I hear the voice-over of a male co-worker reading alout a persuasive letter he's written concerning whether black people will ever really be able to understand white people (his opinion: no.) I am shocked and offended at his ignorance, but listen and say nothing.

3) I am in my bedroom at home. My mother comes in and begins going through my drawers, asking whether I have any Benadryl and condoms, as she is out of both. I tell her I don't and she asks me to buy some. I say that I won't, and after a brief argument she accepts this.

-End Scene-

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